How is the plan governed?
The Trustee looks after the Plan, and ensures that benefits are paid in line with the Trust Deed and Rules.
I got married recently. Do you need to know about this?
If you have changed your name, you should let us know so we can update our records. In order to update our records, we will need to see a copy of your marriage certificate. Please send your original marriage certificate along with confirmation of your new name, address and date of birth to The Trustee of the HWG Pension Plan, First Actuarial LLP, Mayesbrook House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds, LS16 6QY, we will return the certificate to you by recorded delivery on the day of receipt. You may also wish to consider updating your Expression of wish form.
I have a complaint. Who should I contact?
We are sorry that you have a complaint. As a first step, please let us try to put this right, contact the administrators and let them know details of your complaint. If this does not satisfactorily resolve your complaint, you should raise a formal complaint by following the “Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure”, which can be found here, alternatively contact First Actuarial and we will send a copy to you in the post.
I have moved home recently. How do I let you know about my new address?
The easiest way for you to let us know that you have moved is to send us an email to Please include your full name, your old and new address and your national insurance number and date of birth on your email. If you would prefer to send this information in a letter, you can write to The Trustee of the HWG Pension Plan, First Actuarial LLP, Mayesbrook House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds, LS16 6QY.
I have recently had a child. Do you need to know about this?
We do not need to know about this, but you may wish to consider updating your Expression of Wish form.
My bank account details have changed. How do I tell you about my new details?
The easiest way for you to let us know that you have changed your bank details is to send us an email to Please include your full name, your old and new account details and your national insurance number and date of birth on your email. If you would prefer to send this information in a letter, you can write to The Trustee of the HWG Pension Plan, First Actuarial LLP, Mayesbrook House, Lawnswood Business Park, Leeds, LS16 6QY.
Where can I fill in an expression of Wish form.
You can download an Expression of Wish Form here, alternatively contact First Actuarial and we will send a copy to you in the post.
Why do I need to fill in an Expression of Wish form?
The Expression of Wish Form is considered by the Trustee when deciding to whom any lump sum benefits should be paid, in the event of your death. The Trustee also considers other information, such as whether you have any children or other dependants when reaching their decision.